190 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial Role Played by the Women of Uttarakhand with the Help of Various Social Structural Components

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    This paper is based on primary data collected from the respondent on Women s encompasses within it It studies the role of social structural components in developing entrepreneurial orientation among women Based on an extensive survey of data and empirical findings of two cities in state of Uttarakhand the paper goes on to demonstrate the resistance faced by women entrepreneurs owing to their social habitat and how they managed to overcome the social structural obstacle

    The vital role played by caste and patriarchy in the emerging women leadership in the governance of local self-government of Pithoragarh and Almora di

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    This paper is based on primary data collected from the respondent on Women s encompasses within it It studies the role of social structural components in developing entrepreneurial orientation among women Based on an extensive survey of data and empirical findings of two cities in state of Uttarakhand the paper goes on to demonstrate the resistance faced by women entrepreneurs owing to their social habitat and how they managed to overcome the social structural obstacle

    Predictive Switching Control for Multilevel Inverter using CNN-LSTM for Voltage Regulation

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    Now-a-days, model predictive control (MPC) is very commonly used for three phase inverters. But conventional MPC suffers computational complexities as well as unstable switching frequency issues. To address these issues related with conventional MPC model, this paper aims to use the benefits of deep learning model for predictive switching control. In this paper, CNN-LSTM network based predictive control is proposed for three phase inverters. Along with predictive control LC filter is cascaded to reduce the harmonics. The model is simulated using SIMULINK under fixed and dynamic load condition. The result shows decreased THD under different load conditions. Finally, the result is validated with existing models and achieves better performance

    Study of Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Network

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    Energy utilization and network life time are key issues in design of routing protocols for Wireless sensor network. Many algorithms have been proposed for reducing energy consumption and to increase network life time of the WSN. Clustering algorithms have gained popularity in this field, because of their approach in cluster head selection and data aggregation. LEACH (distributed) is the first clustering routing protocol which is proven to be better compared to other such algorithms. TL-LEACH is one of the descendants of LEACH that saves better the energy consumption by building a two-level hierarchy. It uses random rotation of local cluster base stations to better distribute the energy load among the sensors in the network especially when the density of network is higher. As the clusters are adaptive in LEACH and TL-LEACH, poor clustering set-up during a round will affect overall performance. However, using a central control scheme for cluster set-up may produce better clusters by distributing the cluster head nodes throughout the network. LEACH-C is another modification to LEACH that realizes the above idea and provides better results through uniform distribution of cluster heads avoiding redundant creation of cluster heads in a small area. In our project, we propose a centralized multilevel scheme called CML-LEACH for energy efficient clustering that assumes random distribution of sensor nodes which are not mobile. The proposed scheme merges the idea of multilevel hierarchy, with that of the central control algorithm providing uniform distribution of cluster heads throughout the network, better distribution of load among the sensors and improved packet aggregation. This scheme reduces energy consumption and prolongs network life time significantly as compared to LEACH, TL-LEACH and LEACH-C. The simulation results show comparisons of our scheme with the existing LEACH, TL-LEACH and LEACH-C protocols against chosen performance metrics, using Omnet++


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    Background: Cerebral palsy is disorder of neuromotor origin due to non progressive brain damage in its early developing period. It is often accompanied by other features like seizures, behavioral disorders and cognitive impairment restricting their normal activities of daily living, making them to be dependent on others. Aim and Objectives: The present clinical study was designed with an aim to improve quality of life and establish optimal independence in activities of daily living (ADL) by potentiating the effects of world widely accepted Physiotherapy treatment along with Ayurvedic modality for better management of Cerebral palsy with a ray of new hope. Material and Methods: The study was performed on forty five patients of age group one to twelve years of either sex. Patients were therapeutically randomized into three groups and received treatment for six months. Group A (n=14) received Physiotherapy; Group B (n=14) was treated with Physiotherapy and Ayurvedic procedures while Group C (n=14) received Physiotherapy, Ayurvedic procedures and Syp. Ayurvedic compound. Out of forty five cases, three of them discontinued treatment. Parameters for assessment were based on standard guidelines of Activities of daily living Modified Barthel score. Results: The effect of therapy observed on total ADL score at end of six months was statistically significant (p<0.05) in Group A with a gain of 58.41% while in Group B and C it was statically highly significant (p<0.001) with gain of 62.80% and 62.68% respectively. Conclusion: The improvement noted in Group B and C was enhanced by effects of Ayurvedic procedures and Syp. Ayurvedic compound due to improvement in muscle tone, gain in muscle strength, proper nourishment of Dhatus and intelligence for better skilled performance

    Outcome analysis in patients with multi vessel coronary artery disease and left ventricular ejection fraction after percutaneous coronary intervention: single center experience

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    Background: The present study evaluated the changes in baseline left ventricular function and clinical symptoms in multi-vessel coronary artery disease patients after multi-vessel percutaneous coronary intervention.Methods: This was a prospective, observational study conducted at Medical Super-speciality Hospital, Kolkata, India, between August 2017 and August 2019. The study included 48 patients who were diagnosed with ≥2 coronary artery stenosis of ≥50% in native coronary arteries with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <40%. Echocardiography was performed before and after 3 months of the procedure to observe LVEF. Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) score was calculated before and after 3 months after PCI.Results: Mean age of the patients was 61.89±9.96 years and 89.6% patients were male. Mean LVEF before and after angioplasty was 34.9±4.95% and 42.06±8.78%, respectively (p=0.001). CCS score before and after angioplasty was 2.89 and 1.83, respectively (p=0.001).Conclusions: The results displayed significant improvement in clinical symptoms as well as LVEF after PCI in patients with multi-vessel disease with LVEF <40%. These results will be helpful to conduct larger randomized trials with long term follow-up in order to prove the safety and effectiveness of PCI in such patients over coronary artery bypass grafting